Board of Directors


Board of Directors

Debra A. Poole (Founder/Executive Director)

Debra holds a bachelor’s degree and is a certified project professional with over 25 years of experience in information technology. Her gift and passion as a servant are to help those who hunger. She has volunteered at food pantries, soup kitchens, church hospitality committees, and church mission ministries. She opened her home to foster children who needed love and protection while bringing normalcy to an otherwise chaotic environment.


Clara Poole (Program Director)

Diane holds an associate degree in health information technology and has recently retired from the medical field after more than 40 of experience. She has provided her culinary skills to many worthy causes to feed the less fortunate within her community. She is passionate about helping others and is a constant contributor to worthy causes, such as Farmers Aid and Save the Children.

Her giving spirit and medical knowledge ensure that all will receive nutritional meals as she is well-versed in the effects of diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol within lower socio-economic areas.

Gregory Powell

Gregory Powell (President)

Gregory holds several degrees in journalism, law, and divinity and currently works as a labor law attorney. He is an advocate for the less fortunate and has provided pro-bono work for many. His vast education and knowledge provide value across all aspects of the organization.

Debra A. Poole

Malika Kidd (Treasurer)

Malika Kidd is a project manager of Economic Mobility at the Council of State Governments Justice Center. She offers guidance and facilitates discussions with criminal justice agencies, nonprofits, and reentry service providers as they develop and implement educational, workforce development, and subsidized employment programs. Malika holds a BA in Nonprofit Administration and a Master of Business Administration.


Sadeeka Ataa (Secretary)

Sadeeka has worked at the US Post Office since 1995 and has advanced to management/supervisory duties. Her mentoring skills, ability to resolve conflicts, and patience are extraordinary. Her postal knowledge allows her to assist our organization with mail solicitation for fundraising and advertisement. Meanwhile, she gained experience preparing meals and serving the homeless while volunteering at Safe Haven.


Sabrina Lynch (Senior Social Media Adviser)

Bio Coming Soon


Kutina Robert (Senior Marketing Advisor)

Bio Coming Soon